Dating as a Digital Nomad

Dating whilst travelling sounds amazing. You arrive somewhere exotic, meet someone that you think is hot, then explore and adventure together. It’s great, passionate and something from the movies. I’ve had a few romances on the road and some were definitely magical. And although it is easy to meet someone you think is attractive, the long term potential can be a little trickier. Even though some instagram influencers like @MarieFeandJakeSnow make it look perfect… It is not a fairytale for most people. 

Your dating life on the road can involve a lot of one night stands, or dating a little bit longer, then having to say sad goodbyes because your visa is expiring, or even better, you’re both digital nomads and you can travel together. Even if your person isn’t a digital nomad, you can both stay in touch and make plans to travel to each other again once you’ve left their town/city. Love will always find a way so I’d stay optimistic.

If you are looking for love on the road, I recommend using these tips and tools to put yourself out there:

Tinder and Bumble

Apps like Tinder and Bumble are great for meeting new, attractive people. Tinder being the most famous and Bumble being unique because ladies initiate conversation first. It makes dating so much easier. You go on the app, swipe people you like for a match, and then chat briefly before a date. I highly recommend using these apps if you are actively looking. I met my current partner on Hinge and know of many people who have met and even married their match from a dating app.

Making conversation at a bar/club

Doing it old school. Remember the days of no apps… just going out, seeing someone you like and then going over to them for a flirt and conversation. 

Ladies: we are empowered and can make the first move! It shouldn’t just be up to the men. 

Men: know that women are shy. Go over with some confidence and a smile. You could leave with friendship or even more. 

Nomad Soulmates

So a digital nomad friend of mine started a facebook group to connect nomads. It’s a great way to reach out, show up and mingle with fellow nomads. They also do virtual speed dating events to get nomads chatting and connecting. It’s a fun, friendly and inclusive group. 


So the best way to meet people on travels is to stay at a fun and funky hostel. You can share a room with 4 to 15 travellers usually which is great fun. But be warned… people tend to only stay in a hostel for a night, or 3 days or something, so it tends to lead to more casual flings or friendship than real love. Although, saying that, I met my ex in a hostel and we ended up travelling together for 3 months and are still friends, so a deeper connection can sometimes form. If the universe wants it, it can happen. 

Co-working Spaces

Digital Nomads need places to work and a good way to meet fellow DNs is hiring a desk at a co-working space. Some co-working spaces also offer some community building excursions or activities. This is a good way to find your people, and maybe even your next romance. Check out my blog post recommending some cool co-working spaces

Activities and sport groups

 Another great way to meet people is by participating in activities or sports when you travel. Whilst travelling, I have met cool people by enjoying ecstatic dance, surfing, snowboarding and capoeira. The more people you meet, the more likely you are to meet someone you’d like to date, and if you don’t meet anyone, it doesn’t matter because you’re having fun on your travels.  

So yeah, dating might be tricky as a digital nomad, but don’t give up hope. Get out there, be present and get to know people. Work on feeling good about yourself so you attract stable, positive individuals. If you’d like coaching on this, give me a message. As a strengths psychologist, I can move you away from limiting beliefs and get you feeling your best.