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Want to Live in Thailand With Free Flights?

Thailand is opening for remote employees. With this new program you can do your remote job from Thailand, including FREE FLIGHTS WITH CODE DINA123.

I bet most people reading this have already imagined this “working from paradise” scenery: 

Checking in at a professional co-working space, near a golden beach and going for a swim during the lunch break, street food for dinner with the locals….

Well, this is your chance to do it without giving up your job! With the help from WorkationScout, you can work remotely from five stunning destinations in Thailand and do it legally! 

WorkationScout is a German company that found a free cost solution for those craving a breath of fresh air without leaving their job. 

The mid-term workation concept was born two years ago through collaboration between local Germans in Thailand and the Thai government. There are many individuals and organisations who embraced the mid-term workation in Thailand and returned with a super positive experience. 

By partnering with the pioneers of the mid-term workation concept in Thailand, WorkationScout has created a secure and stable ecosystem, making this opportunity available to a broader group of remote employees eager to redefine their workspace.

Employers can now present mid-term workations as a means of prioritising employee well-being, attracting, retaining, and engaging top talents for the rapid growth of their companies.

Here's what WorkationScout does for remote employees to be able to work remotely from Thailand without any stress or compliance issues knocking at the door! 😅

  1. Facilitates discussions with your employer and secures their agreement for your participation in the mid-term workation program.  

  2. Connects you with the local German hosts in Thailand who handle VISA, health insurance, tax, and any compliance issues on a personal level.

  3. Assists in finding high-comfort and affordable accommodations through personal coordination with the local hosts.

  4. Connect you to a remote-workers community joining the mid-term workation program simultaneously.

  5. Provides complimentary access to the local hosts co-working spaces in any of the five destinations.

  6. Offers 24/7 support from WorkationScout and your German hosts in Thailand.

  7. Introduce you to local events, cultural trips, and activities for you to maximise your time in Thailand.

Ready to learn more about the mid-term workation program and secure your free flights? Visit the WorkationScout page now – act fast! Mention Dina123 on the consultation call and get your free flights! Ana, the coordinator, will connect you with a local host, ensuring you have a dedicated workspace and excellent accommodation at attractive prices. 

Pack your bags and embark on this extraordinary workation experience!