Digital Nomad Coaching & Everything You Need To Get Started

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Why is letting your staff work remotely a good idea?

Although the traditional office setting has it’s perks: A community, an environment set-up for efficiency and productivity, a place where everyone is on the same mission, an easy access for teams, and organisations.

But with technology providing us with global access to video meetings, cloud based management tools and more autonomy and freedom to work in their own way.

And it’s not a one-sided victory:

-       Lower costs

-       Reduction of office expenses

-       Lower turnover of staff: 45% reduction in a survey by Lengstorf

-       Worldwide pool of talent

-       Happier employees

And what do your employees get?

-       Family commitments fitting working schedule

-       Elimination of wasted community time

-       Flexible working time

-       More travel and cultural learning opportunities

But what is a “remote worker”?

A remote worker is someone who is location independent and has the freedom to work from anywhere. They can either be a freelancer, a business owner, or an employee and usually work in either service or consulting jobs. Remote workers that work for companies usually like using tools like Trello, Slack, Google hangout, Skype, Facebook call, Go-To meetings, and Zoom as tools to keep connected with their workers. 

What are the red flags and worries?

That your employees won’t work properly if they aren’t in an office?

Set project based goals… and lots of them! That way people who work for you always have something to work on and you can monitor their work load and results on a regular basis. You can do this using technological skills like Skype, Trello and other amazing tools that keep us connected. See above.  

Work isn’t done that way?

More and more companies are becoming remote and hiring remote workers. If you don’t have enough workers in your current workplace that want to be remote workers, then try workew or wework to find some well-prepared and qualified workers.

What can I do if I try it and don’t like it?

It’s just an option. If you don’t like something, why not create a trial period? So maybe a week, two weeks or 3 months. That way, nothing is permanent and everything is managed to it’s potential. You can also do things on a day basis, so having one day of remote working a week and the other days working in the office. This is especially good when you have a cloud server that can be accessed remotely. You can then gradually build up to more days in the week.

What to do next:

If you are a chilled out boss like me, or like the idea of travelling permanently whilst working then I am happy to help you make this dream a reality. Send me a message on and we can arrange a call to discuss options.