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Ways to stay fit as a Nomad

Keeping fit and healthy on the road can be a challenge. When you’re in a new place you can get out of your routine, spend less time focusing on fitness and you’ll probably want to try out all the tasty new food. Add to that that you’ll likely be sitting down at the computer/laptop/tablet a lot while you work on your hustle and you might find that any semblance of a fitness routine goes out the window.

We all know that staying healthy is important, not only for your body but also for your mental health. It will help you find more ease in your body so you can do more of the things you love.  It’ll help keep your mind clear so you can get down to business, bust those deadlines out of the water and get back to exploring. So let’s see what we can do to help you maintain a good practice of wellbeing and fitness while you travel.

Running is probably the number one digital nomad sport. You can do it pretty much anywhere, you can go as far as you like and best of all, it’s free! All you need is a pair of trainers (although barefoot running is becoming more and more popular) and a bit of motivation and you’re good to go! If running has never been your thing but you’re attracted to the convenience of it, try the Couch to 5k app, which promises to get you from unfit to running 5k in 9 weeks.

Apart from running, the digital nomad life can lend itself to a bunch of other outdoor sports. You might find yourself in a surfer’s paradise - whether that’s surfing, windsurfing or kitesurfing…. and even if you’ve never done it before have a go! A couple of hours surfing is a serious full body workout and so much fun! Or what about swimming? In the sea or the hotel or local pool.

If you are into winter sports, snowboarding or skiing is an incredible way to stay fit and is so much fun! It takes a while to learn, but is incredibly energetic when you get into it properly and you can spend hours doing it because it’s so infectious and full of thrill. Once the day is over, you’ll be itching for the next day to arrive with aches and pains from muscles that you didn’t even know you have.

Hiking is another good option for keeping fit, and as an added bonus gets you spending time outside in nature, which is can’t fail to make you feel good. As an added bonus hiking trails often come with some very spectacular views which will not only take your breath away but also give you that perfect Insta shot. Joining walking tours in new places will get your body moving, while you learn about the place you’re staying and maybe even meet some new friends.

Local gyms sometimes have short term contracts that you can take advantage of, or trial days or weeks if you are only going to be in a place a short while. Big chain gyms are a bit harder to get into, but if you can find a local place, go in and have a chat to see if you can work something out, if you enjoy working out at the gym.

Packing a skipping rope in your luggage is a simple way to ensure you can keep fit anywhere you go. There are so many different ways to skip and work your body, getting to know them can become a fun part of the challenge.

There are also amazing apps like 7 minute workout, Nike Training, and Kayla Itsines that can help you get fitter. They are so good and have great results, but if you can’t be bothered to be all technical, I know people who do a quick workout routine that’s quick and easy and they sometimes add extra burpees to their morning routine for a full body strength and cardio hit. I also added a small routine that you can download below!

If dance is more your thing then have a look at local dance studios for drop in classes, or if you will be around to participate in a course. Again youtube can be your friend here, there are loads of fitness dance videos available online, a great one is Fitness Marshall. He’ll really get you going and they are so much fun- especially if you can get a few people to join in- you’ll get a core workout just from laughing! Of course going out and shaking your booty at a club definitely counts too!

Yoga is another great way to completely work out the body. It is less fast paced but so good for you. It stretches you out and gets you really in tune with your body, and the best thing is it is to your level and once you get good enough, you can just travel with a mat in your bag so you don’t need to spend money at a yoga studio.

And while we are here, don’t forget to look after that beautiful mind of yours!

While you’re getting your body strong and fit don’t forget about your mind. Studies show that meditation is one of the most powerful tools we have to keep our minds and thoughts in balance. Meditation is something else that can be done any time, anywhere, but it is often included as part of a yoga practice (one of the reasons yoga is so good for overall health). If sitting and concentrating on your breath for a few minutes seems daunting or unachievable, why not try out one of the many meditation apps? I like Headspace and Calm, but I recommend trying out a few and deciding which one feels most compatible  and comfortable for you.

Self care is important for your wellness whatever your life looks like, but it can get pushed down the priorities list. But remember, your mind, body and soul are the best tools that you own. Look after them and the world is your oyster. Make self-care important.